Welcome to our Alaskan lawn and snow services!
Now Hiring! Must Be 12+ to join.
(Amazing Starter Job!)
Our Lawn And Snow Care Options
Classic lawn/ Snow Removal
Our Basic Package - This offers just lawnmowing, Weed wacking, and snowblowing In The Front Lawn. (We May Charge Less Or More Due To Lawn Size.) for an extra $20, we will do dog poop service.
Backyard Care Package
This Package is the same as the first package, but the backyard is included in our services. For this package, we also offer shoveling and snowblowing
Lawn/ snow removal + Plant care and leaf raking
This package Has the Same Perks As Package I and II. It also includes Weed picking, Raking Leafs, Etc. All of these Packs are good If Your On A buget.
Enhance your outdoors with us
Welcome to our all-Alaskan team, dedicated to providing top-notch lawn and snow services. We take pride in creating the perfect outdoor space for you through our mowing and snowblowing expertise. (pay cash in person.)
Get In Touch
Are you interested in collaborating? Have Any Questions? This submission is one way to ask! We kindly ask to use if you are wanting to make an appointment. (Pay Cash In Person)